Now, no one should never take PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) lightly. I have fought with it as long as I can remember, and it's a bully. However, imagine trying to tell a new doctor you have medical PTSD and it'll take some time to earn your trust. They then think this is the perfect patient to gaslight.
What causes medical PTSD? Many times, it's several a medical professional or professionals. Mine started with 3 TBI wounds within an hour, and the e.r. telling me I was just pregnant. When the tests showed what I told them (that I wasn't), I was asked why I really came in. I went to my regular doctor 3 days later, and was rushed in for a cat scan, then ordered to bedrest for two weeks since my brain was swollen as far as it could be, and the back was entirely bruised. Next incident was when I tore all the ligaments in my knee. id I was fine. Regular doctor then put me in a leg immobilizer. It was followed by bad doctors with their diagnoses being overturned, two hospitalized being raided by the FBI and medical records beiyg seizred by them.
To let others know, when your medical records are evidence, you can't request them like you can from the hospital.
Lou then became sick. It started with seizures. About two months of seizures later, we had a neurologist and a warning to me; stay home with him or he'll die from the seizures. The neurologist noticed abnormal kidney tests, so wehad a nephrologist. The neurology PA never conferred with us over test results, so I spoke to the manager, and we received three neurologists. He also received a nephrologist. They tried to blame his first kidney failure on him taking two inbuprofen. The nephrologist on duty told me if his kidneys failed again, it would be my fault. With a borderline Lupus diagnosis and other speci a alists agreeing with me that it was Lupus, I demanded a biopsy. The same day I demanded labs three weeks later, we received the call for him to be admitted via e.r., I informed them that if he wouldn't be treated for his Lupus, let him die at home. The biopsy results had just come in, and they were ready to treat his Lupus. The director of rheumatology took over his case.
Fast forward to when the director moved to Mississippi to be closer to family. The hospital brought in a rheumatologist in that couldn't make it in AUSTIN. The reviews on him said it al. We go to the first visit, and we heard what too many with chronic illness hear; we need to take you off all your meds and retest you because I didn't diagnose you. This type of gaslighting is dangerous. The nephrologist referred us to a great rheumatologist a few towns over, who's practice was staying open 12 hours a day, 7 days a week because of how incompetent the new guy was.
I was informed that I had precancer in my cervix and a large cyst in my left ovary. No one, however, could see the twisted and bleeding fallopian tube. They gave me a birth control shot and some nausea meds and told me I would be as good as new. That wasn't the case, and they dicided I was pain seeking. I dealt with patient relations, and they helped me get to a gynelogical oncologist ince there were precancerous cells. He was the best doctor I've ever had. When we had the consultation, I was informed I had surgery in a week. He saw me through two ovarian removals, stage iv enodmetriosis, and a radical hysterectomy.
Finally, after a lifetime of bad doctors, I found the good doctor. We moved and he scent my prescriptions in. The pharmacist was an unhinged bitch. I type that word because saying it made the legal team at the hosptial clench their teeth down hard. They forced patient abandonment. I hated where we moved over it. We had to move because the nearest speicaists were a year out and depended on the others.
My current doctor and therapist keep trying to tell me I'm diabetic. I was in ICUs the better part of August. My body was fully toxic. My puke, pee, poop,and saliva were black; I had a severe case of septic shock; I had a severe case of e.coli' the cat scans showed stroke. All of this makes several things in the body spike while others flatline. My blood sugar is regulating itself out.
My doctor doesn't try to discuss my treatment with me. When I push back, he's dismissive and has the office manager tell me she's allowing patient abandonment unless I bow to him. When I was airflown to Wausau, I complained of nurse abuse. Instead of dealing with it, I was chastised as if I were a child, and then told not to be AMA. I informed if the bruised throughout my body didn't matter, there was no way I was staying. They kept me sedated and restrained because I have an adverse reaction to anesthesia. Best believe, however, that when Lou visited me, I was unconscious yet unrestrained.
So, until medical patients, especially spoonies, are treated correctly, there will always be issues with medical PTSD>